Rachel and James Present

The Disclaimer

This is just a friendly note to point out that all the opinions on both movies and their cast, crew or director are solely that, our own opinions.  You may not agree with them, heck, we don’t agree with each other quite regularly.  What is important, however, is that movies get people talking and talking about important things too, like how scary giant babies are, how Tom Cruise has a tiny penis and how the amount of plastic surgery a femal “actress” has had is equally proportional to how much she truly sucks in said role.  We encourage all of our readers to watch all of the movies which we review in this blog and make up their own minds.  However, if you have been warned then we reserve the right to say “we told you so” loudly and possibly in a comical voice. Also try to remembe that you cannot read a film review without the film being subsequently spoiled for you if you haven’t seen it already, so don’t blame us if didn’t know that Bloodrayne was a dirty pile of stinking bile. Thank you and enjoy the reviews.

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